Stephanie Quayle Kazuna Taguchi

Stephanie Quayle "Bear Nature" この投稿をInstagramで見る Gallery 38さん(@gallery_38)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 4月月27日午前2時43分PDT Kazuna Taguchi "The Eyes of eurydice" The subjects of Kazuna Taguchi’s photographic works are paintings of fictional people and places she has created by assembling the “spare parts” of magazine portraits, found photos, and photographs she has taken herself. While this complex creative process remains unchanged, in recent years Taguchi has begun painting directly onto printing paper, adding color to monochrome photo paper with chemicals, and exploring the relationship between subject and material more deeply while experimenting with photographic techniques. Taguchi is currently at work on a book about Eurydice, the wife of Orpheus in a famed Greek myth that has been depicted by fellow artists such as Rubens and Rodan. This exhibition presents artworks inspired by Taguchi’s book along with ot...