鴻池朋子 “Hidden Mountain & the Lodge”

For this exhibition, at both 2nd and 5th floor of Mizuma Art Gallery, Konoike sees whole building to resemble a mountain, and the audiences appreciate her artworks as if they are climbing up the mountain. While climbing, there are chances to encounter natural phenomenon and unexpected accidents as well as it requires the strength to cut open the path towards the world beyond while facing oneself.
The audiences first witness large painting on Fusuma doors. They let their imagination run beyond the painted (and closed) doors and it pushes the audiences to the top of the mountain. The desire and attraction to something hidden beyond the door provokes same kind of fear and joy of climbing up steep mountains.
Tomoko Konoike has never shared much of her words with the audiences until now, however, we are sure that you will sense it through the new pieces
Tomoko Konoike “Hidden Mountain & the Lodge”